About BushED

About BushED

Welcome to BushED, a respected organisation established in 2021 to address the unique challenges faced by families in rural, indigenous and isolated regions of Australia. Our focus is to provide crucial educational support, comprehensive health and post-natal family care service and disaster assistance in these areas.

A Victoria University study, titled “Young people in rural and remote communities frequently missing out,” states Australia continues to face a significant challenge in providing quality education to those living outside urban centres. The study highlights that location and isolation are significant factors affecting the educational outcomes of children in rural and remote areas of Australia. These same issues affect access to health care services with remote Australians facing reduced state and federally supported health services.

BushED has two signature programs.

This program provides the following support to remote and isolated rural families.
Financial Assistance to access events and resources
Volunteer Tutoring
Learning Resources
Remote Online Tutoring
Remote Teaching of Music

The Mothers In Arms program is designed to match new mothers with experienced mothers or grandmothers ( Buddies ) who have faced similar circumstances, such as isolation, new parenthood, or working in challenging environments like running properties. The goal is to foster a supportive community where life experiences are shared, and valuable insights are passed on. Early childhood educational assistance is also provided for the new born.

You can read more about Bushed’s work at www.bushed.org.au